ClassicSoft has developed what it calls the Web Content Framework which allows it to develop web sites that are dynamic, scaleable, and easy to maintain. Using the WCF ClassicSoft can customize and deploy web sites in as little as a couple of days*.
The WCF consists of a base set of code and a data model that is used as a basis for all of its web sites. The code is designed to be modular and loaded on the fly to provide a robust and dynamic site.
The WCF also provides a means for web based administration of content and navigation by end users. No longer do you have to wait for your webmaster to post updates, or move information around. The end user can accomplish all of this with a browser.
With the WCF, content is king! All of the content is categorized in the way you choose and can be re-categorized in a matter of seconds.
Major features of the WCF
Modular Design
Since the WCF uses a module design, new modules can be easily added to your site. If ClassicSoft develops new core modules for the WCF, in most cases they will be compatible with existing sites.
Web Based Administration
Navigation, Content, Security, and other tasks can all be handled from your browser. This means the site gets updated when you want it to be updated. No more waiting for your webmaster to update your site. Need new information on your site? It’s simple with the web based administration. Your site will expand with you.
Consistent Interface
The WCF uses a consistent interface for every page that it builds. Gone are the days of every page looking different.
Database Driven
The WCF sits on top of a core data model that means pages are always up to date, searchable, and can be used in other areas of the site**.
Content is categorized
Everything is categorized such as “News”, “Feature Articles”, “Free Downloads” which allows you to organize your content the way you want, and to move it around as the content or your needs change.
The WCF has been used in sites ranging from the very small, to the very large. For more information on this, visit the Portfolio page. The WCF has been in development for nearly 2 years and is based on 10 years of experience in developing dynamic web sites.
Dynamic Appearance
Certain aspects of the core site change based on the type or amount of content present. For example, if you look at the “About” section of this site, and you look at the Web Content Framework page, you’ll see that the two pages look different. However, they both use the same article module to display information. These are only minor things that can be further customized to meet your needs.
User Assigned Administration
You can create users who are responsible for maintaining different areas of the site and limit them to specific functions.
Core Modules
If you look at the majority of web sites out there, you’ll find that most use the following types of pages. Beyond that, they may have special pages customized to their needs.
This is the basis for 99% of web pages. An article consists of text, graphics and links to other pages/sites. The page you are reading now is an Article.
This allows users to download files from your web site that you have available. This could be documents in PDF format, to software that you have available for download.
This allows you to define a set of questions and answers to commonly asked questions. It is presented as a list of questions that are hyperlinked to an answer.
This allows you to maintain links to other sites and information such as affiliates or references.
Email Form
Instead of putting direct links to your email address on the site where SPAMMERS can find them, the WCF provides an Email form that allows you and other users (who you designate) to receive email from the web server. This will minimze the amount of SPAM you get from your web site, and still allow your visitors to contact you easily.
* Development time varies from site to site depending on numerous variables including, but not limited to, Graphic Design and Customization.
** Customization may be required to use data in different areas of the site, but not necessarily.